

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2024 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja, Laura Freitag, Cassandra da Costa

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference - 2024 Edition, Jamie Knight, Donald Jarvis, Geoff Ryans, Laura Freitag, Spencer Knibutat

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference - 2024 Edition, Jamie Knight, Bonnea Channe, Diane Laranja

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference - 2024 Edition, Jamie Knight, Laura Karabulut, Hina Saeed, Clifton Yiu

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Ashley Brown, Emily La Mantia, Catherine Phelps

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Danny Parker, Mark Van Ginkel, Spencer Knibutat


Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja, Cassandra da Costa, Laura Freitag

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Donald Jarvis, Geoff Ryans, Laura Freitag

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Bonnea Channe, Diane Laranja, Tawanda Masimbe

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Laura Karabulut, Hina Saeed, Clifton Yiu

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Ashley Brown, Emily La Mantia

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference - 2022 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Danny Parker, Natalie Garvin, Mark Van Ginkel


Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja, Cassandra da Costa, Laura Freitag

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Donald Jarvis, Geoff Ryans, Laura Freitag

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Bonnea Channe, Diane Laranja, Cassandra Ma

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Laura Karabulut, Anthony Panacci, Hina Saeed

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Ashley Brown, Giovanna Di Sauro, Emily La Mantia

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference - 2021 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Danny Parker, Natalie Garvin, Mark Van Ginkel


Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja, Laura Freitag

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Donald Jarvis, Geoff Ryans, Laura Freitag

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Bonnea Channe, Diane Laranja, Cassandra Ma

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Laura Karabulut, Anthony Panacci, Hina Saeed

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Ashley Brown, Giovanna Di Sauro

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference - 2020 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Danny Parker, Natalie Garvin


Employment Law Overview, CANADA, 2019-2020, an L&E Global publication 

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Geoff Ryans, Donald Jarvis, Laura J. Freitag (available through Thomson Reuters)

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja (available through Thomson Reuters)

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Bonnea Channe, Diane Laranja, Cassandra Ma (available through Thomson Reuters)

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Laura Karabulut, Anthony Panacci, Hina Saeed (available through Thomson Reuters)

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Giovanna Di Sauro (available through Thomson Reuters)

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference - 2019 Edition, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught (available through Thomson Reuters)


L&E Global Annual Review 2017 - 2018 , L&E Global

Ontario Labour Relations Act:  Quick Reference – 2018 Edition, Jamie Knight, Brian MacDonald, Diane Laranja (available through Thomson Reuters)

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference 2018, Jamie Knight, Melanie McNaught, Giovanna Di Sauro, Evan Daikov (available through Thomson Reuters)


*New* From L&E Global – Employees vs. Independent Contractors: An Interactive E-Guide Covering 32 Jurisdictions and 32 Continents

Canada and Quebec Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Acts: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla Black, LL.B., Anne Marie Heenan, LL.B. (available through

Human Resources Guide to Health and Safety, 5th ed., 2017, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla V. Black, LL.B., Diane Laranja, J.D. (available through

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Brett Christen, LL.B., Geoff Ryans, LL.B., Daina Search, J.D. (available through

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B. (available through

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Laura Karabulut, LL.B., Russell Groves, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B., Evelyn E. Dormer, J.D., Giovanna Di Sauro, J.D. (available through

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Brian P. MacDonald, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference – 2017 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Bonnea Channe, LL.B., Lauren Chang MacLean, LL.B., B.C.L., Megan Beal, J.D. (available through


Canada and Quebec Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Acts: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla Black, LL.B., Paula Pettit, J.D. (available through

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Brett Christen, LL.B., Geoff Ryans, LL.B., Diana Search, J.D. (available through

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B. (available through

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Laura Karabulut, LL.B., Russell Groves, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B., Evelyn E. Dormer, J.D., Giovanna Di Sauro, J.D. (available through

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Ron LeClair, LL.B., LL.M., Brian P. MacDonald, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference – 2016 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Bonnea Channe, LL.B., Lauren Chang MacLean, LL.B., B.C.L., Megan Beal, J.D. (available through


Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Brett Christen, LL.B., Paula Pettit, J.D. (available through

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B. (available through

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Laura Karabulut, LL.B., Russell D. Groves, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B., Deborah J. Hudson, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Ron LeClair, LL.B., LL.M., Brian P. MacDonald, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Bonnea Channe, LL.B., Lauren Chang MacLean, LL.B., B.C.L., Megan Beale, J.D. (available through

Canada and Quebec Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Acts: Quick Reference – 2015 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla Nassar, LL.B, Paula Pettit, J.D. (available through


L&E Global’s First Annual Global Handbook : Employees vs Independent Contractors - L&E Global’s first annual international practical guide on Employees vs Independent Contractors – Analysis on the difference between a contractor and an employee and the re-characterization of a contractor into an employee. This comprehensive publication includes contributions from 15 L&E Global member firms and will be a valuable resource for all HR professionals. Download the Guide [ 2MB PDF]

Canada Labour Code: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Brett Christen, LL.B., Sharon Chilcott, LL.B., Paula Pettit, J.D. (available through

Canada Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Sharon Chilcott, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B. (available through

Canadian Human Rights Act: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Laura Karabulut, LL.B., Russell Groves, LL.B. (available through

HR Manager’s Guide to Health and Safety – 4th Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla Nassar, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Melanie McNaught, LL.B., Deborah J. Hudson, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Labour Relations Act: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Ron LeClair, LL.B., LL.M., Brian P. MacDonald, LL.B. (available through

Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act: Quick Reference – 2014 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Cynthia Kontra, LL.B., Bonnea Channe, LL.B., Lauren Chang MacLean, LL.B., B.C.L. (available through


Canada and Quebec Pension Plan and Employment Insurance Acts: Quick Reference – 2013 Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Carla Nassar, LL.B., Paula Pettit, J.D. (available through

CLV Special Report – Managing Your Union-Free Workforce, 2nd Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B. (available through


CLV Special Report – Effective HR Management in the Union Environment, 2nd Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B. (available through


CLV Special Report – Investigating Harassment in the Workplace – 2nd Edition, Malcolm J. MacKillop, LL.B., Jamie Knight, LL.B., Meighan Ferris-Miles, LL.B. (available through


CLV Special Report – Public Health in the Workplace, 3rd Edition, Jamie Knight, LL.B., Laura Karabulut, LL.B., (available through

HR Manager’s Guide to Discipline and Termination, Donald Jarvis, LL.B., Carol S. Nielsen, LL.B., (available through


CLV Special Report – Views from the Front: Critical and Current Issues in Employment and Labour Law, Jamie Knight, LL.B. (available through