Our Team

Ashley Brown

T: 416.408.5563
F: 416.408.4814
E: abrown@filion.on.ca

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Jennifer Godfrey
T: 519.800.2242
F: 519.433.4453
E: jgodfrey@filion.on.ca

  • Call to the Bar, Ontario – 2010
  • Bachelor of Laws, Queen’s University
  • Bachelor of Arts, Major in Sociology and Psychology, Nipissing University

Ashley Brown

Executive Summary

Ashley is a partner in the firm, practicing out of the Kitchener-Waterloo and Toronto offices. 

Ashley provides practical, proactive advice and representation to management in a variety of organizations – large and small, unionized and non-unionized, public and private sector.

Ashley’s practice includes all facets of labour and employment law. It ranges from human rights, workplace investigations, occupational health and safety, employment contracts, executive compensation, and employment issues in corporate restructuring, to responding to union organizing and applications for certification, collective bargaining, and grievance arbitration.

Ashley is sought after as a speaker, author, instructor and seminar leader on labour and employment issues.

Before joining Filion in 2018, Ashley practiced management-side labour and employment law at another Toronto boutique firm and at one of southeastern Ontario’s premier full-service law firms.

Memberships and Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario
  • The Canadian Bar Association
  • Ontario Bar Association
  • Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)

Selected Publications, Presentations and Media Mentions


Ontario Human Rights Code: Quick Reference, Thomson Reuters (multiple Editions)

“Not all addiction is created equally”, Canadian Employment Law Today (February 2018)

“Workplace offences of the olfactory senses”, Canadian Employment Law Today (October 2017)

“A weighty issue: Discrimination on the basis of physical size may become the next big human rights issue”, Canadian Employment Law Today (May 2017)

“Psychometric testing: is it a valid means of pre-employment screening?”, Ontario Municipal Human Resources Association (Spring 2016)

“Disability in the workplace: perception matters”, Canadian Employment Law Today (December 2013)

“Bullying and harassment: in Canada, it’s no longer just a ‘schoolyard’ issue” (co-authored), International Bar Association (October 2013)

“Only employee can make early retirement call”, Canadian HR Reporter  (January 2013)

“Freedom of association enjoyed by individuals not unions”, Canadian Employment Law Today (October 2012)


“From Hiring to Firing: Case Law Insights on the Employment Lifecycle”, Elby Professional Recruitment Speaker Series (November 2024)

“Contractor Safety: Legal Obligations, Best Practices & Insights”, PIP 2024 Regional Health & Safety Conference – Southwestern (October 2024)

“Employment Law Today with Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP”, Human Resources Professional Association – Western Chapter (September 2024)

“An Employer’s Guide to Insightful Hiring Practices for Today’s Workplace” – FWTA Client Seminar (April 2024)

“Legal Update with Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP”, Human Resources Professionals Association – Guelph & District Chapter (September 2023)

“Change Is Afoot! Critical Developments in Employment Law”, FWTA Client Seminar (May 2023)

“Leading Cases on Discharge and Discipline:  Mastering the Key Principles, Foundational Cases, and Current Issues”,  Lancaster House Audio Conference (September 2018)

“Up in Smoke: Dealing with Marijuana in the Workplace”, Languages Canada Annual Conference (February 2018)

“Managing the Fallout of Workplace Harassment Complaints”, Faculty Bargaining Services National Academy (November 2017)

“Managing Health and Disability Related Issues: focus on mental health, aging, and accommodation” Faculty Bargaining Services Annual Academy (November 2016)

“Inspiring an Unmotivated Workforce”, Canadian Association of University Business Officers Annual Conference (June 2016)

“Workplace Juggling: Accommodating Requests for Accommodation”, Canadian Association of University Business Officers Annual Conference (June 2015)

“Inspiring a Motivated Workforce”, HealthAchieve Conference (2013)

Rankings and Recognitions

Nipissing University Alumni Achievement Award 2011