Our Team

Casey M. Dockendorff

T: 519.435.6001
F: 519.433.4453
E: cdockendorff@filion.on.ca

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Sherri-Anne Tong
T: 519.800.2241
F: 519.433.4453
E: stong@filion.on.ca

  • Call to the Bar, Ontario – 2005
  • University of New Brunswick, Bachelor of Law
  • St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB, Bachelor of Arts

Casey M. Dockendorff

Executive Summary

Casey has been a partner with the firm since 2015. She joined the firm in 2011 as an associate, and for five years before that, she held an in-house counsel role with a large Ontario municipality.

Casey practises in all areas of labour and employment law. She acts for a wide variety of union and non-union clients in both the public and private sectors. Casey's practice focuses on public sector work, where she represents a number of municipalities, school boards, hospitals, and other broader public sector clients.

Casey spends a considerable amount of her time on employment-related civil litigation matters, including wrongful dismissals, constructive dismissals, breach of restrictive covenant claims, and human rights disputes.

Casey has acted as counsel in many arbitrations, wrongful dismissals, and proceedings before the Ontario Labour Relations Board and the Human Rights Tribunal. She provides regular and ongoing advice to her clients in respect to all labour and employment matters, including Workplace Safety and Insurance Act and Occupational Health and Safety Act matters.

Casey has led collective bargaining as the spokesperson at the bargaining table (for both first collective agreements and renewal agreements), and she has provided advice on drafting collective agreement language. She has also provided "behind-the-scenes" advice to clients in all sectors during the collective bargaining process.

Casey also regularly conducts workplace investigations on behalf of clients, and she regularly provides training to clients on how to conduct workplace investigations, including on the art of report writing.

Casey also regularly speaks at conferences, meetings and seminars held by various human resources groups and organizations in London and throughout Ontario.

Casey is very active in the London community serving on multiple boards and involving herself in many community fundraising events.

Memberships and Professional Affiliations

  • Law Society of Ontario
  • The Canadian Bar Association
  • Ontario Bar Association
  • Canadian Association of Counsel to Employers (CACE)
  • Middlesex Law Association

Selected Publications, Presentations and Media Mentions

Mitigation in Ontario Employment Law, LexisNexis Canada, November 2023 (contributing author)

Cross-Canada Guide to Human Rights Law in Employment - 2016 Edition, Thomson Reuters (contributing author)

Accommodation Issues in the Workplace, Wolters Kluwer, 2014 (contributing author)

Avoid the temptation: Workers hired through temporary staffing agencies are less educated on workplace safety, more afraid to speak up, Canadian Occupational Health & Safety Magazine, June/July 2018 (quoted)

Rankings and Recognitions