Executive Summary
James practices in all areas of labour and employment law, with a particular focus on labour relations, occupational health and safety, and workers’ compensation matters. He represents unionized and non-unionized clients in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, construction, and hospitality.
James has extensive experience representing employers both in litigation and at the bargaining table. James has served as counsel in numerous wrongful dismissal claims and grievance arbitrations, and regularly represents clients before the Ontario Labour Relations Board, Human Rights Tribunal, WSIB and WSIAT. James also represents companies that have been charged or had compliance orders issued against them under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. For unionized employers, James has experience serving as lead spokesperson in collective bargaining.
In addition to providing strategic advice and representation to employer clients, James has experience as an independent third-party investigator with respect to workplace harassment complaints.
Beyond his legal practice, James frequently speaks and writes on a variety of labour and employment issues, such as workplace harassment and work-related accommodation. He also sits on the Executive board of the Labour and Employment Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association.
Selected Publications, Presentations and Media Mentions
Co-Author, Employer’s Guide to Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance, Carswell
Presenter, “2024 Legal Highlights in Workers’ Compensation Law: Important Cases, Updates and Trends”, October 2024, Schedule 2 Employers Group
Presenter, “Manager’s Guide to Occupational Health and Safety,” November 2024, Peterborough & The Kawarthas Home Builders Association
Presenter, “Navigating Canada’s New Supply Chain Transparency Legislation,” May 2024, Ontario Snow Resorts Association
Presenter, “Employment Law 101: Hiring and Firing”, March 2024, York Entrepreneurship Development Institute
Presenter, “Year in Review: Critical Developments in Employment Law”, January 2024, Waste to Resource Ontario
Presenter, “Employers’ Guide to Union Organizing in the Construction Industry”, November 2023, Simcoe County Home Builders’ Association
Presenter, “Critical Developments in Labour and Employment Law, October 2023, Muskoka Builders’ Association
Presenter, “Mental Health and the Workplace: A Practical Guide,” September 2023, Ontario Snow Resorts Association
Presenter, “Advancing Your Business Through WSIB Account & Claim Management”, July 2023, Waste to Resource Ontario