Labour & Employment Law Insights

Employers Required to Post New Version of Ontario’s Employment Standards Poster

January 12, 2018

Employment Standards | Legislation | Employment

Bottom Line

Ontario’s Ministry of Labour has issued a new version of its employment standards poster. All employers required to post this poster as per the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (the “ESA”) must ensure that they post the most recent version. An employer who is required to post the poster but who fails to post the most recent version on or after January 1, 2018 would be in violation of the ESA. A PDF version of the poster must also be provided to employees electronically or in hardcopy.

The new posters, and the Ministry’s answers to frequently asked questions regarding the posting and distribution of its employment standards poster, are available on the Ministry’s website. The poster can be downloaded and printed from the Ministry’s website at no charge.

The Ministry’s new employment standards poster is available in a number of languages in addition to English and French.

Check the Box

If you are an employer required to post the Ministry of Labour’s employment standards poster, you will need to ensure that:

  • The most recent version of the poster is posted immediately; and
  • The poster is distributed to employees as may be required.

If you are unsure as to whether or how the posting requirements of the ESA might apply to your operations, it would be prudent to seek the immediate advice of a labour and employment lawyer.

Need more information?

If you need more information or require advice on posting requirements, please feel free to contact your regular lawyer at the firm.

Download the PDF.